Education is one of the pillars of Amartha Foundation
We envision a world where women and adolescents in rural areas have better opportunities to access education, unleash their potential, and have greater choices for their future. A future where young people drive transformative change in society and realize their full potential. A world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and empower themselves.”
- Aria Widyanto, Chairman of the Amartha Foundation.
Amartha's Scolarship in Numbers
Applicants across 2 batches (Currently open for batch 3)
Scholarship recipients
Beasiswa Amartha Cendekia (High-school)
Program recipients have pursued further education to advance their careers.
Support for education funding and one-year mentoring for high school/vocational school students.
(Special quota available for Amartha Employee's relatives)
Funding support for female students in STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math fields.
(Special quota available for Amartha Employee's relatives)