
Quality education for shared prosperity.
Get to know Amartha's scolarship program

Education is one of the pillars of Amartha Foundation

We envision a world where women and adolescents in rural areas have better opportunities to access education, unleash their potential, and have greater choices for their future. A future where young people drive transformative change in society and realize their full potential. A world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and empower themselves.”

- Aria Widyanto, Chairman of the Amartha Foundation.

Amartha's Scolarship in Numbers

Applicants across 2 batches (Currently open for batch 3)
Scholarship recipients
Beasiswa Amartha Cendekia (High-school)
Program recipients have pursued further education to advance their careers.
Amartha Karya Fellowship (Karyawan)
Slots for recipients are currently open
Amartha STEAM Fellowship (Universitas)

Our College Partners

Perguruan Tinggi

SMA (Indonesia Mengajar)

SMA/SMK Seluruh Indonesia

Scholarhip Program


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